Welcome to Abiding Love.

We’re glad you’re here.

Hello, I’m Pastor Tom.

I am Tom Gorzalski and I am happy to be a pastor at Abiding Love! I grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin and I've always known that I’ve wanted to be a pastor. I graduated from Martin Luther College in 2014 and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2018. Over the years I’ve had some great experiences working in diverse congregations. Before I came to Abiding Love I was a pastor in Minneapolis, MN. I spent a summer in New Mexico at a church that served a Navajo reservation, I had a year-long internship in Toronto, Canada, and I worked at a youth center in downtown Milwaukee while I studied at the seminary. My favorite people are my wife, Deanne, and my daughters, Hazel and Ava. I enjoy roasting coffee beans, taking walks, and sharing the love of Jesus!

- Pastor Tom Gorzalski

We imagine you might have some questions…

What are services like?

Come each Sunday morning at 8:00am or 10:30am for an uplifting and relevant message focused on what God’s word means in our lives. Music and the arts serve to focus our attention on God’s grace and love. Our services are liturgical (they have a set order every week) and follow a traditional church year.

What should I wear?

Come as you are. We aren’t worried about what you’re wearing.

Where should I sit?

When you come through our doors you’ll be in our gathering area. Members of Abiding Love and our guests visit before entering the sanctuary for worship.

Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance, an usher will help you. If you need assistance, look for Pastor Tom, Staff Minister Mahnke, or anyone wearing an Abiding Love nametag.

What about my kids?

Kids of all ages are welcome at Abiding Love. Pastor delivers a children’s message during the service, encouraging kids and adults to participate in worship together.. If you need to step out, make use of our nursery without missing a beat - speakers inside will keep you connected to the service.

What do you believe?

Abiding Love is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

We get it.

Visiting a new church can be intimidating.

It can be helpful to watch a service online before you visit in-person.